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The Case for Targeted NDAs: Protecting Your Small Business Without Overstepping

In the world of Human Resources, particularly within small businesses, one of the more common yet often misunderstood tools is the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). NDAs are essential for protecting sensitive business information, but there's a growing conversation about how—and to whom—they should be applied.

Many small business owners, in an effort to protect their companies, may feel compelled to have every employee sign an NDA. However, applying NDAs too broadly can lead to unintended consequences, including legal risks, decreased employee morale, and the potential violation of workers' rights. This blog will explore why NDAs should be executed only by those with access to true confidential information, and how Human Resources professionals can guide small businesses in making informed decisions about the use of these agreements.

Understanding the Purpose of NDAs in Small Business

The primary function of an NDA is to protect confidential information from being...

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Employee Classification

Why Employee Classification Rocks 

Employee classification isn't just about ticking boxes – it's about ensuring everyone's on the right track and playing by the rules. Think of it as the backbone of our company's operations, keeping us in sync with legal requirements and ensuring fairness across the board. 

Employee classification is a critical aspect of HR management that ensures employees are properly categorized based on their job duties, responsibilities, and employment status. Accurate classification helps protect both the company and its employees by ensuring compliance with labor laws, taxation regulations, and other legal requirements. It's vital that everyone involved in the hiring and management process understands the importance of accurate classification and its implications. 

1099 vs. Employee 

We've all heard about the perks of being a contractor, but do you know the difference between a 1099 contractor and a full-fledged employee?...

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Nurturing Success: The Essential Role of HR in Small Businesses


In the dynamic world of business, small enterprises often overlook the pivotal role of Human Resources (HR), dismissing it as non-essential until they realize that the success or failure of a business hinges on its people. Your employees are the linchpins that influence financials, operations, processes, and overall success. Let's delve into the key functions of HR that can transform your small business into a thriving venture.

Recruitment & Selection: Building the Foundation

Recruitment is more than posting an ad; it's a strategic effort akin to marketing. Identifying your target market, crafting compelling ads, and conducting focused interviews are crucial. Make the candidate experience inviting and informative, and when making decisions, stay focused on the job requirements. Avoid distractions – it's not about "shiny objects" but finding the right fit for your team.

Payroll & Benefits: Structuring for Success

Payroll and benefits are process-driven functions...

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Say Goodbye to WFH Worries 🙌

A few aspects of WFH you may not have thought about... and how to address them.

As we have shifted our way out of the pandemic, the long-term results are becoming clearly identified. Many of us have known for a while that remote work will be one of the lasting impacts of COVID-19... and our newfound love of the QR code (but this new love shall be left for another blog). This has caused employers to implement remote employee policies for both long-term and short-term arrangements.  Now that we are seeing trends and expanded complexities, it is important for employers to understand and update policies and best practices in order to protect their employees and business from any legal or financial repercussions.


When creating a remote work policy, it’s important to address state and federal laws that may affect your organization. Employers must determine whether they need to comply with state labor laws such as minimum wage and overtime requirements,...

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Is Your Employee Onboarding Like A 5-Star Resort Or A Budget Motel?


 Starting a new job is stressful, and let’s be honest, so is hiring someone!


The average US employer spends $4000 and 24 days to hire a new worker. (Business Wire, 2019)


If you are like most small businesses, you may not have a lot of manpower to spare – being down a person for even a fraction of that time can mean even more hard work shared between you and your already hardworking team, all while you are taking on the additional and difficult task to find someone new.

Reviewing and interviewing applicants can feel like a frenzy when candidates often have so many options to choose from. When you finally find the right person and they accept your offer, its finally time to relax… well, maybe not quite yet.


Image Credit: @Mattsurelee


Lets try to put ourselves in your new employees’ shoes. Imagine with me for a moment that you are in their position, but rather than starting a new job, you are a guest at a hotel:

You show...

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Your Employees Are Stealing From You. Top 5 Practices To Implement Today.


“Nearly 50 percent of embezzlement thefts occurred at companies with fewer than 25 employees, 82% had 150 or fewer employees”

Source: 2016-Hiscox-Embezzlement-Study


“My aunt and her husband owned a dental practice years ago. It was a successful small business and their employees were like family to them. The bookkeeper on staff took care of their accounting and billing and had been the office manager when they bought the business. She knew more about the books than they did and was seemingly so committed to her job, that she never took time off.

My uncle suspected money was going missing but couldn’t prove it. He checked the ledger daily, they had a double-booking system, and a CPA but couldn’t come up with answers. Then patients started questioning why they were receiving invoices when the insurance companies had paid the claim. My Aunt and Uncle then discovered discrepancies between their records and claims that were marked as...

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When to Use an Outside Investigator & Choosing an Outside Investigator

When to Use an Outside Investigator & Choosing an Outside Investigator

By Gene R. Thornton, Esq.  *


Whenever an employer receives a complaint of sexual harassment or other workplace misconduct, a prompt, thorough, and fair investigation should be conducted.  Following the investigation, appropriate remedial measures should be implemented.  That much is basic employment law and human resource management.  But who should perform the investigation?  Should it be done by the employer’s HR manager, office manager or safety officer, if any?  Should it be done by the accused employee’s supervisor?  Or should an outside investigator be retained and, if so, what qualifications should be sought in the outside investigator.

Simple Investigations—Outside Investigator Probably Not Needed

If the allegations concern performance issues, employee relations, then the employer can probably do without an outside investigator.  It will...

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Rock, Paper, SCISSOR! (Know When to Cut Your Employees Loose)

Rock, Paper, SCISSOR!

Know When to Cut Your Employees Loose

                 Have you ever had that uncomfortable moment when you have to say the infamous phrase to an employee, “can I speak to you in my office?”. As an employer or manager, you may catch yourself in those last few minutes before they arrive reverting to your childhood with a good ole’ game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It seems like it’s a fair way to try and get yourself out of the hot seat and place it onto someone else, right? Terminating an employee is sometimes like this game because no one wants to be the bearer of bad news by looking like the bad guy (or gal). Terminations have their challenges with even some risk, so it’s an emotionally difficult task. You want to ensure that you are confident with your decision, especially if the employee isn’t underperforming or violating any company policies....

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Getting “Bored” with Your Onboarding Process?

Getting “Bored” with Your Onboarding Process?

Make Onboarding and Training Fast and Easy!


For most of us, we have experienced what it’s like to be that “newbie”.  That’s right, a new face in a new company where countless thoughts of excitement, worry and anxiety flood our minds. If you are like many, those thoughts can turn into piercing questions or doubts. Did you make the right decision? Is this truly the right company for you? Where is the nearest exit in case you need to make a run for it?  

As an employer, hiring manager, or HR representative, your focus is guaranteeing that you can “walk the walk”. Your newly hired employee accepted the position for a reason, now it’s up to you to ensure that he or she continues to feel that this opportunity was too good to pass up.

So, how does this happen? Think about the first few days on the job and how much information and training was provided. It’s a...

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Recruiting Tips & Tricks: Colorado SCORE Presentation


*Presented at Colorado Springs, CO SCORE meeting on July 12, 2019


I'm obsessed with Richard Branson. Anything that comes out of that man's mouth is like gospel to me. I aspire to be a Richard Branson, well a female/ American, Richard Branson one day. I believe that his people philosophy is really where it's at. And I think that this quote right here says it all: “A company is people... employees want to know... am I being listened to or am I a cog in the wheel? People really need to feel wanted". -Richard Branson

To start off on the right path of having sound employee practices, let's look at some recruiting tips and tricks. This blog is going to look at how to prepare and attract the right candidates and to evaluate those candidates. But first, let's look at the mistakes small businesses often make when it comes to recruiting. I'm sure all of you guys have seen these mistakes.

Small Business Recruiting Mistakes
1: Lack of Planning
First and foremost, small businesses...

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