On Thursday, July 16, 2020, Governor Jared Polis implemented a 30-day statewide mask order in the state of Colorado (there is a possibility of extension). This order impacts every way we conduct business, work with our employees and serve your customers. There are a number of considerations that you need to apply when staying compliant. Read on to learn how to apply this order to your business operations.
There is significant debate about the mask order and deep-rooted feelings for and against this order. As you maneuver through implementing and staying compliant with this order, you will encounter these perspectives. No matter what your personal thoughts are, it is important to know what is expected of you as a business owner. Without further ado, let's dive right in.
Your Working Environment:
Within the Colorado mask order, you do have to be mindful of when your staff must wear a mask. You and your team are required to wear a mask when:
Although, we can not find anything that explicitly states this. It is our assumption that employees can remove their masks when working in private areas (i.e. private offices) or socially distanced (with the exception of working with customers). If we learn otherwise, we will update this blog.
In addition to the above requirements, we recommend that you download and communicate HR Branches COVID-19 Operations and Safety Policy. This is extremely helpful in setting and communicating expectations to employees.
You are required to post signs, notifying the public that masks are required at all entrances. Click HERE to download a printable poster now.
Refusing Service
As an operational business, you are also required to refuse service to anyone entering your business without a mask. It is likely that you and your staff may have to refuse service to someone.
We have all seen the YouTube videos of mask confrontations that turn ugly. Don't let your business get highlighted on one of these videos.
To make sure that refusal of service does not turn ugly, here are a few tips to keep a peaceful and positive environment for all.
Below is a list of the exemptions that do apply to this executive order. Please keep in mind that they are a special courtesy and legal considerations that you and your staff need to be aware of.
In addition to the above exemption, there are particular situations when people do not have to wear a mask. When people are engaged in the below activities, they'd not have to wear a mask:
Talk to an Expert
Applying the above practices will vary, depending on your business and industry. We highly recommend that you speak with an expert to best understand how you can maintain compliance with this new order. Schedule a FREE consult with HR Branches today and keep your business rolling along the right path.
Disclaimer: HR Branches provides general information about Human Resources. Please note that the information provided, while reliable, is not legal advice. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make sure your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location and circumstances. The purpose of this information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance on general HR matters.
Colorado Department of Health- https://covid19.colorado.gov/mask-guidance
KRDO- https://www.kktv.com/2020/07/17/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-new-colorado-mask-order/
HR Branches Mask Sign- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pqewi5bDnDNoZDy3ZC5cSgIZTlPoWwDQ/view?usp=sharing
HR Branches COVID-19 Operations & Safety Policy- https://www.hrbranches.com/COVID_Safety_Policy
HR Branches FREE Consult- https://calendly.com/hrbranches
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