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The Future of HR: Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Landscape

Jul 26, 2023

Exploring the Impact of AI on Recruiting, Learning and Development, Policy Writing, and Decision-making



In recent years, the demand for artificial intelligence (AI) technology has skyrocketed and has been extensively used in various sectors. The human resources (HR) industry is no exception. AI can help HR professionals in their roles and responsibilities, from recruiting new employees to developing and training existing ones. However, while AI has the potential to make hiring and managing employees more efficient and accurate, it is important for HR professionals to be aware of the potential pitfalls AI can create – such as discrimination, bias, and copyright infringement. This blog will examine the ways in which AI is impacting HR, focusing on innovations within recruiting, learning and development, policy writing, and decision-making. The following discussion will also include warnings on adverse impact due to AI-produced discrimination and copyright infringement, as well as the New York AI Bias Law. Finally, the need for AI usage policies that work within the context of the company and its intended use will be emphasized.




Recruiting candidates can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. AI is gradually being used to ease the process of finding qualified candidates. For instance, AI can scan resumes, perform background checks, assess candidates’ social media footprint, and even conduct preliminary interviews. By using AI tools, it can widen the pool of candidates, making it easier to find the best fit for the job.


One of the most significant AI tools used in recruiting is chatbots. Chatbots, also known as AI assistants, can respond to candidate inquiries in real time. Besides, chatbots can provide basic information about the company, job roles and help candidates to apply for positions. One of the benefits of chatbots is that they eliminate the need for a real-life human to respond to every inquiry, reducing the recruiting workload.


However, HR professionals must be aware of the adverse impact of AI-produced discrimination. Even if AI is programmed by humans and operates according to the neutral standard, some algorithms may have bias in them that can favor one group over another. For instance, if the data used to train the AI model is filled with biased human judgment, or not inclusive, the results produced by AI are likely to replicate that same bias. To prevent AI discrimination in recruiting, HR professionals must ensure that the algorithms that the AI software uses to scan resumes and conduct interviews are inclusive and reflective of an effort to embrace diversity.


Learning and Development:


AI is also becoming an increasingly popular tool for employee learning and development programs. Rather than sitting through in-person or virtual training sessions, employees can use AI-powered learning programs to receive personalized guidance on what knowledge they need to acquire, how to improve their skills, and how to interact with coworkers and peers more effectively. These AI learning tools can help HR professionals create training programs for employees that are tailored to each person's unique needs.


In addition, AI can be used to monitor employee performance to create a customized learning experience for an employee. For instance, it can suggest more specific or advanced training courses or even provide prompts to practice a certain skill. AI can also use machine learning models to uncover trends among employees, identifying areas where your company may need to invest more resources to strengthen skills in specialized or emerging areas.


Nevertheless, HR professionals must ensure that the AI learning and development programs deployed are inclusive and avoid adverse impact due to AI-produced discrimination. For example, if an AI training program is only offered in English, non-native English-speaking employees may be at a disadvantage. To avoid these kinds of adverse impacts, HR professionals must ensure that the AI algorithm takes all necessary considerations to create an inclusive learning environment for all employees.


Writing Policies and Decision Trees:


HR professionals also use AI-powered tools to analyze HR data to monitor trends in employee behavior and identify areas of concern. For instance, decision trees, if can be integrated with another machine learning model, can be used to suggest decisions on HR policies and processes. These tools can also analyze past data to learn how HR policies have impacted employee engagement, retention, and performance negatively or positively.


Another use case for AI-powered tools is in policy writing. By analyzing industry trends statistics, predicted future behavior patterns of employees, and regulatory compliance requirements that impact your industry, HR professionals can help AI algorithms formulate policies that will benefit employees and the company alike. AI-powered tools can assist in this process by suggesting modifications to current HR policies or offering new policies that align with your goals.


In using AI-powered tools for policy writing and decision trees, HR professionals must ensure that these tools are not copyright infringements of existing policies. AI-powered tools retain similarities in policy writing, causing overlap with other existing written policies. Therefore, HR professionals must ensure that their policies are unique, compliant with industry regulations, and not duplicate existing policy content from other companies.


New York AI Bias Law… it will eventually make it’s way to all of us:


In 2019, New York City became the first in the United States to pass a law limiting the use of AI in HR decision-making processes that could have an adverse impact on specific demographic groups subject to discrimination. The New York law requires employers to inform job candidates when AI is used to evaluate their applications and the variables that the AI considers. If an HR professional does use AI in the decision-making process for recruitment, it is important to be aware of the potential for adverse impact and discrimination. For instance, if AI tools are trained on data that includes biased language or data that involves discriminatory practices, they can replicate and amplify existing biases and create adverse impact. To avoid this, HR professionals must ensure that their AI algorithms are inclusive and reflective of the diverse pool of candidates within their talent pipeline. Additionally, they must use AI tools in collaboration with human recruitment teams to ensure a fair and unbiased recruitment process.


AI Usage Policies:


Finally, with the advent of AI usage in HR, it is essential to have proper usage policies in place that work within the context of the company and its intended use. HR professionals must provide clear guidelines on the appropriate use of AI tools, communicate the potential risks of using AI tools, ensure that the AI can also identify and measure any adverse impact, and adhere to ethical sales practices.


In conclusion, AI technology has the potential to revolutionize HR practices, including recruiting, learning and development, policy writing, and decision-making. However, it is essential to note that AI-produced discrimination, bias, and copyright infringement are risks that organizations must avoid. HR professionals must also be aware of the legal implications of AI algorithms and ensure that their algorithms are inclusive, reflective, and transparent. Ultimately, developing clear policies on AI usage within HR can help prevent these potential pitfalls by ensuring that AI is used as a tool to create a fairer and more efficient HR process.


Author: Chat GPT

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